Clinic 1: LP Savani Main Road Adajan Gam, Surat
Clinic 2: Makkai Pool, Nanpura, Surat
scaling and polishing

Scaling & Polishing in Surat

All bacterial deposits, including plaque and tartar, can be removed from accessible areas of the teeth through "Scaling ". Following scaling, the teeth are polished and treated with fluoride.

The American Dental Association recommends that you visit your dentist at least once a year to get a routine examination and teeth cleaning. If you have a history of periodontal disease, you should get your teeth cleaned more often, probably twice a year, to prevent the recurrence of infections or disease.

Piezoelectric Scaling Vs Ultrasonic, which is better? Compared to ultrasonics, piezoelectric scalers generally have thinner tips and may not even cause tooth sensitivity. These scalers produce less heat and are much softer on the tooth surface. In general, Piezoelectric scalers are often described as more comfortable for the patient and gentler on the tooth and tissue. At Nxtdent Dental Clinic, we prioritise your comfort and exclusively offer pain-free Piezoelectric Tooth Cleaning for your treatment.

Root Planing & Local Drug Delivery:

The Periodontist (Gum Disease Specialist) may perform “Root Planing” to eliminate toxins and bacterial build-up from below the gum line on the tooth root, which cannot be accessed with a toothbrush. It is typically performed in patients with gum disease having infective deep pockets. Root planing disinfects, smoothens the tooth root and promotes firmer reattachment of gum tissue. It is a critical step in periodontal therapy for gum disease, and may even help to prevent the need for flap surgery.

Using "local drug delivery with tetracycline fibres" as an adjunctive treatment can significantly enhance the outcomes of non-surgical periodontal treatment. This involves the controlled release of antibiotics delivered locally in the gum pocket to maximise their benefits. Root planing along with local drug delivery is usually provided periodically as supportive periodontal therapy for patients with chronic history of gum disease.

Typically, a professional teeth cleaning can be completed in a single session. However, patients with advanced periodontitis may require multiple appointments for thorough teeth cleaning. Neglecting oral hygiene can lead to bone loss and deepening of gum pockets around the teeth, ultimately resulting in loose teeth or tooth loss.

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Oral Health

How do you prioritize and maintain your oral health on a daily basis?

Assess the well-being of your oral health by answering a few simple questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Root planing is beneficial when it is done at an early stage, as it stops gum disease from getting worse and can prevent tooth loss. It helps your gums to reattach to your teeth.
  • Sometimes it helps us to avoid gum flap surgery.
  • Doing it before flap surgery reduces the need for full mouth surgery. Usually only restricted localised areas need gum surgery.
  • It is also done as the supportive periodontal therapy in patients to maintain the gum health after flap surgery.
  • Although this treatment can help you to keep your mouth clean and healthy at home, you should still visit your dentist at least once a year.

"The objective of the oral hygiene phase of treatment is to decrease the number of bacteria in the mouth, thus reducing inflammation. Your dentist will explain the causes of periodontitis and provide you with clear guidance on how to maintain cleanliness of your teeth and gums. You will receive instructions on using various tools and techniques, such as the correct toothbrushing method, as well as how to properly use interdental brushes, dental floss, and antiseptic mouthwashes. It is vital to emphasise that cooperation with oral hygiene practices is crucial for achieving successful treatment outcomes."