Painless Wisdom Tooth
Removal in Adajan, Surat
If your third molars or wisdom teeth haven't appeared by your early 20s, the chances are they may come in later, or they may never appear at all. But a more likely possibility is that your wisdom teeth are impacted. In other words, your jaw doesn't have enough room for the wisdom teeth to erupt, so the teeth become trapped below the gumline. Such impacted teeth can cause infection, leading to pain, difficulty in chewing, and bad breath.
It's difficult to predict what all problems can arise in the future with impacted 3rd molars. However, here's the rationale for preventive extraction of wisdom teeth:
- It usually traps the food around and damages a nearby tooth or surrounding bone by causing decay and gum disease around it.
- It often leads to chick bites and ulcers which further can be the potential risk factor for developing cancer.
- They are difficult to clean which leads to food lodgement and bad breath.
- Mal-positioned wisdom teeth are one of the major reasons for developing TM Joint disorder in the long term.
7 Signs you may need your wisdom tooth removed -
According to the American Dental Association, wisdom teeth removal may be necessary if you experience changes in the area of those teeth, such as:
- Pain
- Repeated infection of soft tissue around the tooth
- Fluid-filled sacs (cysts)
- Tumours
- Damage to nearby teeth
- Gum disease
- Extensive tooth decay
The decision to remove them isn't always clear. You can discuss with your dentist regarding the position and health of your wisdom teeth and what's best for your situation. Sometimes, to maintain oral hygiene, your dentist might ask you to get rid of them even if they don’t trouble you!
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Wisdom tooth removal: how painful is it?
Most of the patients get anxious about the recommendation of getting their wisdom teeth pulled out as they believe the surgery to be extremely painful. In that case, we request you to rely on us to make it much more comfortable as NxtDent Dental Clinic offers painless wisdom teeth removal under laughing gas!
When it comes to laughing gas vs. anaesthesia, this option is an attractive go-to if you’re prone to anxiety or are incredibly stressed about the procedure. According to the American Dental Association, nitrous oxide is considered both safe and effective. Nitrous oxide typically wears off quickly, allowing you to drive yourself home after your procedure. You will remain conscious but at ease while on laughing gas.